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​30-летие. Праздник красной розы
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Event Agency

The 30-ieth Birthday. The day of the red rose

Private event from Very Berry

30 is a beautiful age for a woman. At 30 she is like a rose, the queen of flowers: fresh, majestic and tender at the same time. Her youth is blooming, she is growing wiser, gaining the sensation of harmony, understanding herself better, realizing what it is: to be beautiful, to be happy, how to make the most of her life. As the Birthday girl really loves red color, it was prevailing in the holiday’s decor. We came up with a design concept for the event, created an interesting programme for the evening, making it truly soulful, colourful and festive. And the appearance of Vlad Yama with his personal dance and a rose for the Birthday girl has become a “cherry on top” of this wonderful event.

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